If you’re a fishing enthusiast, you won’t want to miss the amazing world-class float fishing trips we offer in Southwest Alaska! From novice to expert, we have something for everyone. Here at Alaska Rainbow Adventures, our experienced guides will take you on a journey through the pristine waters of Alaska, where you’ll have the opportunity to catch some of the most sought-after fish in the world. Trust us, this is an experience you won’t soon forget!

Southwest Alaska is home to some of the most exceptional fishing rivers in the world, renowned for their abundant and diverse fish populations. Within this region, three key rivers offer superb fishing opportunities: The Kanektok River, the Goodnews River, and the Togiak River. All three rivers boast breathtaking natural beauty and the chance to catch a diverse range of fish species in their pristine, unspoiled waters.

The Kanektok River is a highly productive fishing river in the Togiak Refuge. It covers a total distance of 92 miles, with 73 miles flowing through the Togiak Refuge Wilderness Area. Swift currents and rocky terrain characterize the upper half of the Kanektok River, while numerous braided channels, fast water, and sweepers mark the lower half. This river is ideal for fly fishing, and it is considered a fish factory for the abundance of fish species, including all five types of Pacific salmon, beautiful leopard rainbow trout, and Dolly Varden. It flows through the Togiak National Wildlife Refuge, offering a quintessential Alaskan float fishing experience. We offer numerous seven to ten-day floats on the Kanektok River each season under a permit from the Togiak National Wildlife Refuge.

The Goodnews River, known for its swift currents and meandering paths, offers a more challenging fishing experience compared to the Togiak River. While there is no whitewater on the Goodnews, the currents can be difficult to navigate, adding to the intrigue. Known for its excellent salmon runs, the Goodnews River flows into the Bering Sea and is recognized for its remote and pristine environment. The river supports salmon, Dolly Varden, and rainbow trout, making it a prime location for fishing in a less crowded setting. We offer numerous seven to ten day floats on the Goodnews River each season under permit from the Togiak National Wildlife refuge.

The Togiak River, the shortest of the three rivers, covers a distance of 58 miles, with 40 miles within the wilderness area. The Togiak River is known for its gentle current and one main channel, making it a great option for novice anglers or groups with varying skill levels. The river that is best for you will depend on your fishing experience and what you’re looking to get out of your trip. The Togiak River is easily accessible and offers prolific runs of all five Pacific salmon species. It’s a short distance from saltwater, which enhances its appeal as a spawning ground for salmon, adding to its popularity and success for fishing. We offer seven day float trips to the Togiak river for groups of four to six only by request. Please reach out to us to schedule and for additional information at our website at www.akrainbow.com or by email at info@akrainbow.com

While we do visit other waters (Arolik and others) outside of the TNWR, these three rivers are part of a larger ecosystem “within” the Togiak National Wildlife Refuge that includes over 30 rivers and a variety of lakes and streams, making it a top destination for any anglers seeking diverse fishing experiences in Alaska. With unmatched natural beauty and exceptional fishing opportunities, these rivers are a must-visit for all fishing enthusiasts and you can learn more about the multi-day wilderness trips we offer at www.akrainbow.com